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What are Leadership Styles, What is Leadership and Concepts of Leaderships?

What are leadership styles? A leadership style is the manner in which a leader gives guidance, implements strategies, and motivates individuals. Different authors have identified many different leadership styles displayed by great leaders in the past, from Napoleon Hill to John F. Kennedy. The research into these leadership styles has found that all leaders have common traits. These traits make them good communicators, good problem solvers, innovative thinkers, emotional communicators, and so on. Here are some of the most important characteristics of leadership styles.

What are Leadership Styles

What is Leadership?

What is leadership? This is a question many ask, especially when they are not a leader themselves. Leadership is a study field, and an important practical skill encompassing an individual's ability to lead, influence or control others, groups, or an organization. To some this may seem like "bragging rights", but it is a serious question that must be answered.

What is leadership? In simple terms it is defined as a process whereby an individual or group of people to get things done by working together towards a common goal.

A lot has been written about leadership, and many theories and models have been developed to describe the process. It has also been shown that the definition of leadership can change over time, and it may even be dependent on the environment in which leadership occurs. So this leads one to the question of what is leadership and why do you need it to get things done.

Concept of Leadership

The concept of leadership was described by two eminent philosophers of the 19th century: Sir Alfred Kinard and Sir Maximilians Wagener. These two philosophers distinguished between managerial and leadership styles, and how each influenced the performance of the company or organization.

They also made note of characteristics that make a manager effective, as well as the characteristics that make a great leader. What is leadership? Is a question many executives and managers ponder at some point in time, and it's almost a universal truth that great leaders are very good managers, and vice versa.

What is leadership involved in day-to-day operations? Leadership involves getting others to work with you to get something accomplished. It also involves using social influence to build up personal morale and cooperation within an organization. It also involves the use of delegation, persuasion, and the use of incentives.

So, how are we to differentiate between these three elements of true leadership? First, it must be understood that leaders are not usually born leaders. They must be groomed and molded over many years to become that way.

Once they attain their role, however, they have proven their ability to lead in many ways, and people begin to look to them for guidance and advice. They don't just talk the talk; they walk the walk. Great leaders are thoughtful, and considerate, yet are also able to put their own personal stamp on the company and its affairs.

Different Definitions of Leadership

A second definition is that of vision. Leaders set the vision and their followers work to make it happen. True leadership involves seeing clearly the ends and the means of achieving those ends, but then taking into account the needs and interests of all parties involved before making decisions.

A third definition is that of visioning. This involves knowing where you want to go as a leader and working to get there. Great leaders identify problems and determine the best way to solve them.

They do not simply tell their followers what they should do; rather, they carefully examine every opportunity they have, looking for opportunities to apply their talents to make the company more successful. They define leadership, rather than living with the status quo and hoping for better days.

Taking Risks is a fourth vital ingredient of leadership. Great leaders explore new opportunities and take calculated risks that may end up transforming the organization. At the same time, however, they recognize that risks must be undertaken to allow them to achieve their goals and so they set appropriate risks-the price you pay for success.

These risks allow great leaders to influence others positively to follow their leadership example. Finally, you need to remember that leadership is not simply a matter of telling others what to do; rather, you must demonstrate a willingness to act even when others may deem it risky or silly. The fact is that you can influence others by taking risks and showing leadership in the appropriate circumstances.

Leadership Types?

There are four main types of leadership styles, and they are autocratic, bureaucratic, participative, and paternalistic leadership styles. Of these, the autocratic leader is probably the one most associated with business and politics.

Autocratic Leadership

Autocratic leadership styles are demanding and seem to demand total compliance from the members of the organization. This can be seen in things like the demands that companies make on their employees for corporate bonuses, raises, or other benefits.

The bureaucratic leadership

The bureaucratic leadership style is the leadership style in which the leader is viewed as the absolute ruler. The leader not only commands respect, but he or she dictates the rules. Bureaucratic leaders are also harsh, manipulative, and controlling. In fact, the very nature of bureaucracy is itself authoritarian. The problems with bureaucratic leadership styles is that they are very ineffective, and even if they do work well in large organizations, they don't work at all in small firms.

Participative leadership styles

The third type of leadership style, participative leadership styles, are described as those in which leaders encourage, discuss, and debate issues. These leaders allow people to get their own ideas before making decisions. They are flexible, open-minded, and are willing to learn from others. This is one of the great leaders' greatest strengths, and it allows him or her to learn quickly and adapt quickly to new situations.

Paternalistic leadership styles

Transformational leadership styles, as well as bureaucratic leadership styles, believe that people are capable of change. They think that the changes that must take place in order for any change to be successful are ones that are motivated by the desire to improve the effectiveness of a situation, a company, or even an individual. The leader encourages the change and then helps facilitate the transformation as well. This is an extremely effective style, and it can have a profound effect on the productivity of an organization as well as its employees. This is one of the best leadership styles for a business that wants to improve the health of its employees, as well as its ability to provide them with a sense of well-being.

Tips to Become Communicative Leader

Those leadership styles that are most effective are communicative leadership styles. These leadership styles involve getting employees to work together to solve problems, or to reach a common goal. These leaders encourage people to communicate their thoughts and ideas to one another, so that they can come up with solutions to the problems that they face together. People are usually encouraged to express their opinion as well, so that they can get the needed feedback from others.

Other Styles of Leadership

Consultative style

Another style of leadership is that of the consultative style. This leadership style concentrates on the idea that group members should have the ability to speak up for themselves whenever they feel like doing something, without having to wait for the approval of the leader. Consultative leadership styles often encourage group members to speak up when they think that something needs to be done, but they should not be expected to do it alone.

What should a Leader Think?

Each of these leadership styles has its own strengths and weaknesses. Each of the leadership styles is appropriate for certain situations, but each of the leadership styles should be practiced in order to be effective. It is important for everyone in an organization to become comfortable with the various leadership styles that are available, because each style can be useful in some situations but less so in others.

It is also important for everyone in an organization to understand the differences between the leadership styles, so that they know which one to use when. By practicing the leadership styles that are suitable for them, the employees of an organization will become more effective and they will be happier at work.

Tags: Leadership Styles, What are Leadership Styles?, Leadership Styles of Leader, Different Leadership Styles, Types of Leadership Styles, Leadership Styles in English, Leadership Styles tips, Leadership Styles notes, Leadership Styles Essay, Leadership Styles


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